07523 148013

High Fibre Cubes

Lower Starch & Sugar
Bag size: 20Kg
High Fibre Oat By-Product; Soya Hulls; Wheatfeed; Molasses; Soya bean meal, feed; Vitamin Premix; Calcium Carbonate; Sodium Chloride; Yeast Product (Diamond V XPC); Soya Oil; Monocalcium Phosphate.
450g-700g per 100kg of horse’s weight, depending on condition and work done.
High Fibre Oat By-Product; Soya Hulls; Wheatfeed; Molasses; Soya bean meal, feed; Vitamin Premix; Calcium Carbonate; Sodium Chloride; Yeast Product (Diamond V XPC); Soya Oil; Monocalcium Phosphate.
450g-700g per 100kg of horse’s weight, depending on condition and work done.
High Fibre Cubes are a very high fibre, low starch and sugar cube offering advanced nutrition to your horse or pony. They are designed to support maintenance to light work, whilst promoting optimum hind gut health and integrity. This whole cereal free cube has been designed for good doers, horses on box rest and horses and ponies prone to laminitis.

High Fibre Cubes provide the following:

  • Beneficial and highly digestible super fibres
  • Controlled levels of starch & sugar
  • XP yeast metabolites to support and promote beneficial bacteria and enhanced fibre fermentation
  • Balanced vitamin and minerals to support health and condition
  • A diet that is suitable for all horses and ponies with maintenance to low energy requirements that reduces the risk of excitability

High Fibre Cubes